The wonderful spirit of treating life as a living loving art form…

Are there self-improvement and/or health-promoting actions/practices which you fear to do or take part in?

In the spirit of the right thing for the right healthful sake, regularly do a thing that you most fear to do. This may be a bold path to feeling better and better, congruent with a spirit of true health and true responsibility.

In doing so, it is quite likely that one will realize greater levels of objective insight in facing and overcoming one’s fears (inclusive of enhancing one’s critical thinking skills). In this, our evolving insight will allow us to face even greater challenges…readying us for new ‘bold’ adventures.

Here on Earth, splendid blessings can be found in the notion that ‘there is always room for improvement,’ greater and greater levels of deep insight and its practical application (vs. getting ongoingly stuck on stagnant plateaus which can be like a living death). We can choose to live in fear, or we can lovingly and appreciatively embrace a ‘path of heart.’ What may seem dark and scary, could actually end up being a wonderful adventure…even among those things that we’ve simply been ignoring – things that are commonly right in front of us. In this genuinely splendid spirit, i.e., true health through true responsibility, we can better and better evolve into being truly healthful conduits between Heaven and Earth…maybe even evolve into more and more selfless healthful unintentional role models.

So often we may “feel silly” or fear “looking dumb” in trying something difficult, new, or scary. For instance, most of my tai chi chuan, chi kung, meditation, and health/wellness students initially were afraid and felt silly – worrying that they’d “look stupid.” Those that stuck with it and worked at it, have added genuinely splendid, healthful, and refined arts into their way of life, a way of life that would never have been realized without that true effort…having exercised their strength and wherewithal toward great ends. It is in the wonderful spirit of treating life as a living loving art form – it is consistent with making the world a better place (and learning to see this as a true responsibility). If there is a Heaven, a ‘key to the universe,’ even a sixth sense, they are rooted in true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly nothing to hide behind. It is a glimpse of a so-to-speak existence where there is no time, no space, no distance…where all is known. Once again it is in a spirit in which there is nothing to hide behind. – Dr. Glen Hepker

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What might be a ‘path of heart?

If such a thing exists, how important is it to be on such a ‘path?’

Many cultures and traditions have similar sayings which loosely and not-so-loosely translate into congruent outlooks. In the ages-old arts that I teach, coach, and humbly endeavor to follow (i.e., Ming Chia/Tao Chan – the Bright Beautiful School of Thought). Therein, a path of heart is described as a spirit devoid of the most dark and terrible weight of greed, gluttony, hate, ignorance, and unhealthful fear (or dread). It is full of the beautiful brightness/lightness of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace. It IS the living loving spirit of true appreciation and acting without acting, e.g., endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake, without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas. It is living life as a living loving art form…embracing of change, most especially healthful change. It is a way of being which is full of the quintessential brightness of the ‘five virtues’ – healthful respect, healthful loyalty, healthful humility, true honor, and true integrity.

The Bright School theory sets forth the notion that humankind cannot survive (let alone thrive) if there aren’t enough people on so-coined paths of heart. It sets forth that the only way humankind will ever substantively evolve (as a whole), is when/if a majority of human beings are raised and/or raised up to paths of heart, quite inclusive of embracing the notion of ‘true health through true responsibility.’

In a humble and respectful spirit, it is said in these arts, that many people find such a way of being as something to look up to – they find it unusual…that it seems ‘different (likely in good way).’ Hence, if it was not different, would it not have become unknown a long time past…or vice-versa? Do we truly need our ‘kings,’ ‘queens,’ and ‘heroes?’ Or do we more likely just need really good mentors and/or genuinely healthful unintentional role models.

In these arts it is said that there are ‘three treasures’ and that it is of utmost import that one learns to mindfully embrace them like nothing else. They are consistent with (honestly acting in) the healthful spirit(s) of “mercy, economy, and defying temptation to be ahead of others.” The spirit of mercy promotes strength. The spirit of economy promotes altruism. The spirit of humility promotes skills in stewardship.

What is it to shun mercy, while endeavoring to be courageous? What is it to avoid economy, while endeavoring to be generous? What is it to avoid humility, and consistently work to win?” Such is an ongoing stagnant plateau which is like a living death.

Christ once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter Heaven.” True wealth is not financial. True wealth is a path of heart…it is the right thing for the right selfless sake. It is true health through true responsibility.

A living spirit of grace and mercy in facing life’s battles is promoting of healthful objective insight and healthful outcomes – greater and greater wherewithal in one’s ability to handle what life throws at one. It is a means by which one can be a more and more healthful conduit between Heaven and Earth. If there is a Heaven, a key to the universe, a sixth sense, they are rooted in true honesty promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind.

We have already been given the gifts we need in order to succeed: If there is a reward, it is in the requisite true effort of facing opportunities for growth, e.g., the miracles of ALL challenges…and first and foremost recognizing them as such blessings, i.e., ‘true miracles.’ — Dr. Glen Hepker


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Is gratitude a key to health and wholeness?

What would life be truly like if one could honestly say…’If in Heaven I have what I have now, I would be happy?’” (Copyright 2011)

What are the consequences of this outlook? This is NOT to say that it is up to any of us to decide what Heaven should or would be like – it certainly is not the point here. The spirit of the (initial) question is most particularly congruent with the following questions, e.g.: What level of ‘true health’ would we have to realize/enjoy, before we could honestly make such statement? What level of ‘true responsibility’ are we willing take and/or enforce? Is it our (even dire/true) responsibility to make the world a better place (as such)? Consistent with this outlook, most of us have the ability to do this…we already have the gifts/blessings we need to do so.

Humbly and respectfully in the ages-old health/wellness philosophy that I teach, coach, and endeavor to follow, it is so VERY much about a deep altruistic spirit of true appreciation – consistent with living one’s life as a LIVING LOVING ART FORM. This level of benevolent gratitude is a splendid healing mechanism unto itself…even a quintessential form of preventative medicine. It can allow us a level of true freedom which is almost impeccably light and almost impeccably free of the heavy crepuscular weight of addiction to unhealthful expectation, entitlement, desire, craving, AND fear of healthful change.

What level of honesty, objective insight does this necessitate? Howhealthful do we want to be? In these arts it is said that such a healthful way of life is requisite of “true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, needing less and less (and less!) to hide behind.” Such a healthful way of life is congruent with the true effort to realize life as a genuine ‘work of art.’ It is Acting Without Acting – endeavoring to do the right thing for the right selfless sake. It is lovingly, selflessly, honestly, and appreciatively learning to play the part of a less and less blemished ‘witness.’ It is being more and more mindful, meditative, AND ‘light’ of addiction to our fear of healthful change (AND light of the potentially pernicious fear of what things can really look like in reflection…our reflection inwardly and outwardly).

What does all of this mean in practical application in our daily lives? Itis up to you and I to decide for ourselves. But there is a traditional hint which is given, e.g.: “It is NOT about some far-flung time/goal/objective to accomplish/reach in some mysterious future…it is about right NOW.” It is about being ‘present’ and loving and deeply appreciative right now, this moment, nothing more and nothing less. IF we are willing to see it, BE it for real, it just might be a beyond splendid/beyond words oh boy(!) ‘glimpse of Heaven.’

Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” In Christianity, there is an old saying we’ve likely all heard – “God helps them that help themselves.”

Just one more point to make – to complement these aforementioned points: What could make one feel more light than the ‘light’ – ‘lightness’ of ‘true forgiveness?’ I am not here to set forth religious tenets, albeit I can’t think of a more genuinely impeccable model of such forgiveness, e.g., as Christ was dying on the cross he said, “Forgive them…for they know not what they do.” It is requiring of another big “oh boy!” If this isn’t true health then what is?! Quite humbly and respectfully, this was/is some very special mentoring. — Dr. Glen Hepker


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If there is a Heaven…

If there is a Heaven, a ‘key to the universe,’ a sixth sense, they are rooted in true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind. What does this mean? It means that there is a so-to-speak place where there is no time, no space, no distance…where all is known…but most importantly once again, nothing “to hide behind.”

What does this have to do with this existence? It means that the more and more healthful we are in the here and now (spiritually, emotionally, and even often physically), the more we can catch sweet and innocent benevolent sparkling spine-tingling/shivering glimpses of Heaven. Why is this important? Because in this existence, we genuinely are much more in the same common boat than we so often think and act (whether we accept it or not, this is a significant aspect of true health and true responsibility). In so-to-speak Heaven, there is NO separation whatsoever, and accordingly, the more and more responsibility we here on Earth take for our own health and well-being, the more prepared and open we will be when it is our time to go and/or be there. Is it true that ‘God helps them that help themselves?’ Maybe it is up to each of us to do decide.

The more and more we can learn to do the right thing for the right selfless sake, the more and more we will be able to treat others with a loving spirit of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace – realizing better and better that we genuinely are so very much in the same common boat, here AND everywhere: Accordingly, so much so, that our taught/perceived differentiation is a grand or maybe not so grand illusion…a beyond-words terrible and sad joke. Maybe this is an important reason we are here on Earth, to rediscover the Truth.

It is so very important here on Earth that we learn to better and better support others in their HEALTHFUL goals and objectives. It is so very important that we learn to live our lives as living loving art forms, vs. getting permanently stuck on stagnant plateaus – all being so much about, once again, taking true responsibility for our own health and well-being. Again, it is so very much about endeavoring to do the right thing without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas.

What would it be like to be light and fluid, embracing healthful change, vs. running away from it and/or ignoring the possibility? The following Lotus Flower saying states it succinctly…

The Lotus Flower Blossoms (as set forth in Chapter XV – “True Freedom” of my book, A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health):

“There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before.

It is not unlike Heaven and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation. It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – spine-tingling moments as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful, more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind.” (Copyright 2011)

*Consistent with this ages-old philosophy, is that here on Earth we enjoy the brightest of blessings, e.g., that there is ALWAYS room for improvement – greater and greater objective insight. Sadly, this so often does not seem to be a blessing at all, in fact quite the contrary. We often fool ourselves into thinking that embracing healthful change is a terrible, even ugly thing. It is SO important that we learn to see it in a more and more positive light. We truly can enjoy a beautiful faith that this light can glow so bright that it will become beautiful beyond words, in a fashion which there is no need for time or space or distance, and one more time…nothing to hide behind. The walls of lies CAN come tumbling Oh boy! –Dr. Glen Hepker

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, tai-chi
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, wellness
, zen

What About Your Third Lung?

And what is Skin Breathing Meditative Guided Imagery Chi Kung?

In traditional Chinese medicine/health arts, the skin of our bodies, e.g., the epidermis, is traditionally viewed as the body’s third lung. With its porous nature, among other aspects, it is believed that the skin has an intrinsic affinity with our breath and lungs. From the view of TCM, the intrinsic/bioelectic energy, aka chi, qi, ki, pranha, has an intrinsic relationship with the skin, and is an aspect of the foundation of acupuncture theory. It is known that bioelectric current/energy flows throughout the body, inclusive of skin, at the cellular level and quantum levels, not just the central nervous system. Since ancient times, Taoists have set forth philosophy which views this electrical current as ‘dark energy’ – that which is most often not visible to the naked eye. Acupuncture and all of TCM are based first and foremost on Taoist philosophy, and through the practice of acupuncture and its many schools of thought, stimulation of acupoints on the body/skin (in proper timing with inhalations or exhalations) allows access to treatment of all parts of the body for health and healing purposes (both with local and distal applications). Meditation and meditative guided imagery are facets of, and can be employed as complements to, other aspects of the holistic practices of traditional Chinese medicine; they can additionally be health practices in and of themselves, e.g., for both treatment of maladies and for preventative medicine. Herein, my purpose is to share a traditional type of mindfulness meditation guided imagery chi kung known as Skin Breathing, or Third Lung Breathing. That said, it is important in the tenets of this tradition to set forth a much more basic preparatory form of guided imagery meditation, e.g., our foundational guided imagery – it’s name is coined in the form of a question…How Much Gratitude Do You Need to be Healthy?

The following foundational practice of mindfulness meditation guided imagery/visualization chi kung is traditionally employed as a precursor to the many other of types of traditional mindfulness meditation guided imagery chi kung taught and practiced in this Li-Jia tradition. As a foundation for our various types of meditative guided imagery practices, it is important to understand that this practice is quite helpful, and in plethora aspects necessary, for learning to practice and embrace all other types of guided imagery in this tradition – in fact that is a primary purpose thereof. Again, it is often utilized as an ancillary preparatory exercise, though it can be utilized as a significant form of guided imagery in and of itself:

How Much Gratitude Does One Need to be Healthy?

Herein, this guided imagery will be set forth for a standing position, but it can also be done in a sitting position – sitting on a chair/stool, or in a lotus sitting posture. Additionally, a majority of this practice can be done lying down, especially if one has physical limitations or as a treatment for insomnia.

Stand with one’s feet almost together (called a ‘humble stance’), and bend one’s knees comfortably. Put one’s tongue against the roof of one’s mouth (connecting the Governing and Central Vessels – congruent with acupuncture theory). Relax one’s face, shoulders, hands, and feet – it’s said, “if they’re relaxed, you’re relaxed.” If the congruent deep breathing is difficult with one’s tongue as such, it is best then not to do it with the tongue as such.

Realize that relaxation is a true skill – there is always room for improvement. Realize, we ALWAYS have some tenseness/stress, no matter how relaxed we are. Be so relaxed that one is barely standing – in what we coin as a Swaying Willow demeanor. Gently roll the spine above the waist, forward and backward. This demeanor is much like a willow tree swaying in a gentle wind. Breathe in, all the way forward and backward, and breathe out in between: This is considered to be our most basic chi kung.

Constantly adjust one’s vision so that one is looking just slightly above straight ahead, without focusing or staring: herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s external environment – ideally without expectations…as if all is new to you, you know nothing (it isn’t genuinely possible to do this, but it is important to try). After a bit of time (as one chooses – but try not to hurry), continue with one’s eyes closed. Keep one’s eyes in their sockets as if one’s eyes are open and looking just slightly above straight ahead (don’t let one’s eyes droop or drop): herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s internal environment, without expectations, fear, or discomfort.

Get the ‘engine’ of the (advance versus reverse) diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing going: Breathe in, push one’s abdomen out, breathe out, pull one’s abdomen in. Pretend that one’s lungs are in one’s abdomen. One of the greatest gifts one can allow oneself, is all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing – there is nothing more healthful. In practicing this breathing for five minutes twice daily, within 30 to 60 days most people will realize all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing, even when they are not mindfully making it happen. It greatly enhances circulation, and promotes the secretion of relaxing, pain killing hormones (empirically substantiated).

Be in a spirit of gratitude and true appreciation. Be all in the moment. A true appreciation of the miracle of the moment. Ask oneself, “How much gratitude does one need to be healthy?”

Try not to think, just witness one’s breathing, relaxation, and subtle movement. Again, endeavor to play the part of a less and less blemished witness. If a thought comes to one’s mind, embrace it, see it for what it is, try not to hang on to it, just let it go – put all of one’s attention in just what one is doing.

Mindfulness meditation is putting ALL of one’s attention into just one, two, or three aspects of what one is doing at any given time. It is next to impossible to be upset, anxious, worried, depressed, sad, or frustrated, if one is not thinking such thoughts, AND if one is in a spirit of gratitude and appreciation. This is a primary purpose of mindfulness meditation – it is the sword that cuts out internal dialogue and/or cyclical thinking – ideally all thought…BEING ‘light’. Thoughts are often ‘heavy’. It is learning to come closer and closer to actually emptying one’s mind of thought (as a tool) – while it will never be perfect, it is important accordingly to try. One can’t fail unless one gives up or doesn’t try…trying is achieving.

Skin Breathing Guided Imagery/Third Lung Guided Imagery

In these arts this technique is traditionally considered a significant aspect of true health. It is considered to be a difficult guided imagery chi kung breathing technique and is initially next to impossible for beginners (until one has endeavored to realize the ability by way of substantial time & effort). It is commonly believed that it can take many years or even a lifetime of practicing meditative guided imagery to be able to do it in a fashion in which this technique becomes quite practical. In various traditions, it is among the ultimate goals of chi kung breathing. And this type of guided imagery can be performed with either the advance or reverse breathing.

In the traditional Chinese health arts, the skin is viewed as the third lung. Hence in this technique, when one breathes, one embraces the notion that one is breathing, drawing air and bioelectric energy (chi) in and out of every pore of one’s body. When done in full, it requires that one focuses one’s mind on every part of one’s epidermis at the same time. Upon inhalation, one imagines that air and bioelectric energy are drawn through every pore (after entering, the pores close). Upon exhalation, one imagines that the spent air and bioelectric energy are moved to the pores as they open and the spent air and bioelectric energy are released. In the beginning of this practice and over a necessary time, it is strongly suggested that practitioners begin with visualizing just one part of the body at a time, versus endeavoring to visualize the whole body at the same time. That said, the goal is to become skilled in visualizing the whole body as such.

As one is able to move one’s chi through one’s pores with inhalation and exhalation, it is said that the congruent sensation is not unlike “feeling the warmth of the sun during the cold winter”, and also, as one’s skill evolves, the feeling of the (strong enhanced) chi is much like a sweet and innocent sparkling spine-tingling/shivering most splendid (almost beyond words) sensation: it is of import to learn to better and better embrace and be able to prompt this feeling at will. Accordingly, it is said that nothing is more healthful, in combination with meditative witnessing, diaphragmatic breathing, and a spirit of gratitude and appreciation. Furthermore, warmth prompts one’s pores to unseal, enabling them to release and take in energy more readily. Chi kung first and foremost translated as ‘breathing in time with movement and/or effort’ and a primary and significant aspect in the practice of chi kung is in the utilization of the mind (yi) to guide the chi to the skin in order to invigorate one’s pores from within and even from without. When the pores are thusly invigorated, they amply unseal: this is an aspect of the visualization occurring during the inward breath. By the end of the inward breath, one’s pores have closed.

Upon having seriously practiced chi kung for awhile, a commonly accepted goal in these arts is to dramatically improve circulation of chi and blood and lymph throughout the entire body. According to the associated theory, skin breathing visualization enables one to employ the mind to unseal one’s pores & bring fresh life-giving chi and air inward in order to eliminate morbid deposits which have accumulated (with regard to the skin, but also the whole self). Also according to traditional theory, this technique is a significant measure toward the goal of expanding the chi externally (outside of oneself). It is said that if one realizes this level of mastery, then one “can lead one’s chi anywhere one’s mind wills it”. At this point, one will enjoy such a healthful level of chi circulation that one’s overall circulation will be become stronger and stronger as one more and more enjoys this skill: a pertinent notion is (additionally) handed down, e.g., the quality by which the chi flows is congruent with the blood and even the lymph – or “as the chi goes, so does the blood and even often the lymph”. This is a quintessential aspect of longevity and True Health, in accordance to these teachings.

When practicing skin breathing guided imagery, partially focus one’s attention/mind (yi) at the real tan tien (behind the navel): In this regard, witness one’s chi and form (physiology) as not unlike a sphere. With each inhalation, one’s mind directs fresh vibrant chi in through each pore of the skin & into the real tan tien, e.g., witnessing the sphere significantly contract into the real tan tien. Consecutively upon exhalation, one’s mind directs spent/stagnant chi in reverse (out through the pores). With experience, one will realize that the chi sphere progressively swells to envelope one’s full form (with its center behind the naval): as one breathes, the chi sphere congruently breathes. To put this more simply, when one imagines bringing fresh energy/air in through the pores, continue with directing this energy/air to the area just behind one’s naval (which is viewed as ‘stoking the real tan tien furnace’ – e.g., acupoint central vessel 8/CV8); when one exhales, direct the energy from this ‘furnace’ back to the skin and out the pores.

In traditional teachings, skin breathing visualization is viewed as a type of Fwu Chi Fah, e.g., Chi Manifesting Exercise. It is a particular path within the context of the Ling Bao Bi Fah, e.g., Inexpressible Wealth (to) Witnessing…(e.g., it can only be witnessed, not rationalized) and is an aspect of Playing the Part of the Less and Less Blemished Witness: It is in the sweet and innocent sparkling spine-tingling/shivering spirit of true appreciation of the miracle of the moment, more and more each moment. It is more and more in the benevolent spirit of Wu Wei, e.g., endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake, without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas…a very much humble selfless glimpse of heaven…glimpses of a place, so-to-speak, without time, space, or distance…nothing to hide behind…all is known (without expectations, not rationalized, just better and better only witnessed).

It is significant that in beginning of the practice of this technique that one begins by a deep breath in, mindfully keeping the breath in for a bit – gradually allowing the breath out: As with all of the techniques set forth in this writing, the rise & fall of the abdomen must be slow & fluid, never jerky or all-at-once. This ability, in a fashion in which one is not ‘fooling oneself’, is absolutely necessary in realizing the ability to truly carry out/or best ‘be’ this technique. Keeping the breath in for a bit slows one down in various ways – assisting one greatly and as simple as it may sound, is an initial step in this practice. Once one has many years of practice, one will realize facility in prolonging the length of the inhalations and exhalations, enjoying Gui Shi (tortoise breath): Tortoises are known to have long lives, e.g., and according to traditional beliefs they enjoy an awareness of breathing through their pores as such. – – Dr. Glen Hepker


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True Honesty – True Magic…

Each moment there are amazing magical things going on within the living story of our lives, in both our external and internal environments, yin to yang – yang to yin. So often we are not trained to be aware of, and/or choose to ignore these miracles, these blessings. These gifts are RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, EVEN WITHIN US, ALL OF THE TIME. Just because so many things don’t seem like miracles because they are so common, they are no less miracles – even the air we breathe and the ability to breathe it. How wrong is it that we take so much for granted? Does it tear the world down? It certainly doesn’t make the world a better place. What is our responsibility? What does this have to do with true freedom?

We take SO much for granted, turning our backs to the Truth – all the while when it is SO true that we all CAN learn to witness the truth, without expectations, without opinion, learning to better and better connect-the-healthful-dots. All the while, glimpses of Heaven are there for us to appreciate, albeit we can’t do so, if we (often without the so incredibly potent magical ‘key’ of humility) are lost in our expectations/preset patterns of thinking, not willing to work to be a less and less blemished witness.

Some may say that this is all impossible, or at least improbable, being that we are so often just getting by, by the ‘skin of our teeth’ emotionally. Sadly, we take comfort in believing that we know so much – much like an addiction: we fool ourselves into habitually thinking/acting as if we know a lot. We know SO LITTLE from this view, the stance from this stagnant plateau. Lost in this comedy and drama, the unhealthful perceived comfort in this stagnant view of the world, it is a most pernicious of addictions. We are afraid to witness the magical gifts in this, our living story – within a new and less blemished, much more healthful and deeper LIGHT. We are so often intrinsically afraid of making this ‘story’ a living LOVING story, in a more and more healthful spirit of gratitude. We so easily become closed to the truly wonderful gift of ongoing change – evolving changes going on within us and all around us – reflections back and forth, from us outward and back, countless times each moment, each day.

Nothing may be more difficult, but there IS hope, ALWAYS reason to have faith. It IS possible to gather together the levels of True Effort it takes to embrace healthful levels of change and growth: It is True Appreciation for the magical gifts, the blessings, in what we CAN MAKE our living loving story…going on ALL AROUND US, and IN US, ALL, OR MOST OF THE TIME. This is sparkling spine-tingling True Honesty – nothing to hide behind…and this level of objective insight is a significant measure of True Health. It is a Glimpse of Heaven.


Bestow a string of faith,

For faith we may have,

Unto the jester light,

In the comedy of reflections,

As we stand upon this stage,

In awe of,




— Glen Hepker (Copyright 2011)


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What’s a Good Starter Sword?

In the traditions that I teach, coach, and practice, one’s initial (so-called) ‘sword’ is not one to put in the hand, it is that which assists one in meditatively clearing one’s mind of internal dialogue/thought – cutting it away, so-to-speak. Hence, guided imagery meditation of various types can be forms of the sword, being a precursor or strategic step toward actually learning to ’empty’ one’s mind of thought. That said, meditative guided imagery is also a practice in and of itself, whether using it as a step to emptying the mind or not: If one becomes skilled in these practices/arts, it doesn’t in any fashion mean that one shouldn’t continue to utilize guided imagery/visualization in their meditative practice.

It is also important in this tradition to realize and respect the well-meaning healthful philosophy/notion that, no matter how skilled one becomes, there is nothing perfect on this earth – there’s always room for improvement, no matter the skill level. Additionally, these skills, even with regular effort, can take years or decades to reach a significant level of mastery. Not to overstate it, though again in this tradition, the concept of True Mastery embraces the notion that there is always room for improvement, greater mastery/skill…this is considered to be among life’s greatest blessings, especially as we benevolently make the effort to feel gratitude as such, to truly appreciate it. It is in the spirit of doing the right thing for the right selfless sake.

Many people find it fairly improbable or even preposterous to truly empty their minds of thought at the outset, hence necessitating learning to utilize the ‘sword’ which makes it simpler to slow down, slower, slower…the ‘monkey mind’. Hence, eventually learning or coming close to, not thinking/emptying one’s mind, e.g., in Mandarin, traditionally known in these arts as the h’ou t’ou. There are many versions of the h’ou t’ou. As aforementioned, from the traditional perspective herein, most forms of guided imagery/visualization are forms of the sword or h’uo t’uo. In the traditions that I teach, we have over a dozen types of guided imagery that are handed-down, albeit the foundation of all of them is focusing on one’s breath: In said arts, the goal of any guided imagery practice is to be focused solely, ideally on the guided imagery/visualization, in the context of ‘nothing more, nothing less,’ in, of, and unto itself. Thus, that is what makes it like a sword. Having said that, a complementary practice for focusing on one’s breathing, is to simply think the word “innnnnnn” as one breathes in, and think the word “ouuuuuut” as one breathes out – being physiologically and psychologically conjunctive or in congruence. For some this may seem to make success simpler, for others, it may make it more difficult – as is common, one size doesn’t fit all.

Another way by which to describe it, is that it is meant to keep one’s mind from thinking about anything, curtailing the cyclical thoughts which most people have difficulty abbreviating. This cyclical thinking is also coined as the “monkey mind” – so it is of significant importance to learn to “repulse the monkey.” (The name being also utilized, in the same context, to describe a particular technique in tai chi chuan.) Once one has nurtured this tool, it can be utilized in stressful situations to promote calm and clear headedness. We also often coin this concept/practice as “witnessing,” or “playing the part of a less and less blemished witness.” Ideally, it is without expectations or preset patterns by which to view the world…objective insight, no opinion, just witnessing. Once again, it’ll never be succinctly perfect – but it is of great importance to try: As is set forth philosophically herein, “One will never fail unless one strops trying. Trying is achieving.”

Below is a broader associated synopsis set forth in this tradition:

This is a form of mindfulness meditation guided imagery/visualization chi kung.

Herein, this guided imagery will be set forth for a standing position, but it can also be done in a sitting position – sitting on a chair/stool, or in a lotus sitting posture.

This exercise is titled in the form of a question – How Much Gratitude Does One Need to be Healthy?

Stand with one’s feet almost together (called a ‘humble stance’), and bend one’s knees comfortably. Put one’s tongue against the roof of one’s mouth (connecting the Governing and Central Vessels – congruent with acupuncture theory – accordingly, this promotes homeostasis, e.g., a healthful balance in the central nervous system). Relax one’s face, shoulders, hands, and feet – it’s said, “if they’re relaxed, you’re relaxed.”

Realize that relaxation is a true skill – there is always room for improvement. Realize, we ALWAYS have some stress, no matter how relaxed we are: try to shake it off – be so relaxed that one is barely standing – in what we coin as a Swaying Willow demeanor. Gently roll the spine above the waist, forward and backward. This demeanor is much like a willow tree swaying in a gentle wind. Breathe in, all the way forward and back, and breathe out in between.

Constantly adjust one’s vision so that one is looking just slightly above straight ahead, without focusing or staring: herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s external environment – ideally without expectations…as if all is new to you, you know nothing (it isn’t genuinely possible to do this, but it is important to try). After a bit of time (as one chooses – but try not to hurry), continue with one’s eyes closed. Keep one’s eyes in their sockets as if one’s eyes are open and looking just slightly above straight ahead (don’t let one’s eyes droop or drop): herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s internal environment, without fear or discomfort.

Get the ‘engine’ of the (advance versus reverse) diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing going: Breathe in, push one’s abdomen out, breathe out, pull one’s abdomen in. Pretend that one’s lungs are in one’s abdomen. One of the greatest gifts one can allow oneself, is all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing – there is nothing more healthful. In practicing this breathing for five minutes twice daily, within 30 to 60 days most people will realize all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing. It greatly enhances circulation, and promotes the secretion of relaxing, pain killing hormones (empirically substantiated).

Be in a spirit of gratitude and true appreciation, not thinking about it, just ‘being it’ – be all in the moment – a true appreciation of the miracle of the moment.

Try not to think, just witness one’s breathing, relaxation, and subtle movement. Again, endeavor to play the part of a less and less blemished witness. If a thought comes to one’s mind, embrace it, see it for what it is, try not to hang on to it, just let it go – put all of one’s attention in just what one is doing.

Mindfulness meditation is putting ALL of one’s attention into just one, two, or three aspects of what one is doing at any given time. It is next to impossible to be upset, anxious, worried, depressed, sad, or frustrated, if one is not thinking such thoughts. This is a primary purpose of mindfulness meditation – it is the sword that cuts out internal dialogue and/or cyclical thinking – ideally all thought…BEING ‘light’. Thoughts/internal dialogue are often ‘heavy’. – Instructor Glen Hepker


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How important is having the right keys?

The ‘keys’ set forth in the outline below are meant to be true gauges in vitally assisting one in making healthful decisions (in working strategically toward True Health of the mind, body, and spirit), and in understanding healthful classical philosophical writings such as the Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, I Ching, the Analects of Confucius, and the Sutras. These Keys are most specifically and benevolently set forth in the Tao Chan/Ming Chia traditions (Ming Chia = the Bright Beautiful School of Thought). Over millennia Tao Chan/Ming Chia have benevolently embraced the amalgamation of philosophical Taoism (Tao Chia versus Tao Chiao), philosophical Confucianism, and philosophical Buddhism.

All of the Keys fall under the primary heading of Wu Wei, e.g., Acting Without Acting…

It is endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas”

In short, “The right thing for the right selfless sake”

The Same Boat Theory

The notion that ‘we are all in the same common boat MUCH more than we think and act’”

The primary fault of humankind is the notion that you are there and I am here”

Endeavor to embrace “dignity (healthful dignity), decency, goodness, and grace in our interactions and spirit…figuring out how to truly mean it, no matter what”

Healthful diplomacy at all levels of interaction – family, friends, in society, and other lands – AND benevolently inclusive of being a more and more and more healthful conduit/diplomat between Heaven (and the heavens) and Earth

The True Responsibility of Making the World a Better Place”

The notion that “the world would be a much better and different place if more and more of us take true responsibility for our own health and well-being”

In short, “True Health through True Responsibility”

With True Responsibility comes True Freedom…yin to yang and yang to yin – with True Freedom comes True Responsibility

True self-defense is self-defense against our own weaknesses and bad habits.” (In most cases we aren’t defeated, we defeat ourselves.)

Learning to Play the Part of a Less and Less Blemished Witness”

Through meditation and guided imagery (embracing true effort), we can learn to objectively witness the truth, versus utilizing opinion, inclusive of selfish self-serving agendas

Being living loving witness, congruent with objective insight – greater and greater objectivity (more and more without opinion, again just witnessing)

Again, in this spirit we can learn to better and better and better, glimpse absolute truth

True Appreciation and Gratitude”

Witnessing the truth – that we so often take for granted the nearly infinite blessings which we live with or have been bestowed upon us…right down to the air that we breathe…the ability to breathe it

The most basic of blessings are no less blessings/miracles, just because they are so common

Learning to appreciate even another of our most splendid of blessings…the miracle of moment, more and more and more each moment – “true appreciation of the miracle of the moment” (the more we do so, the more we witness that our daily trials and tribulations are of less consequence)

There is nothing perfect on this earth, but we can humbly work toward emulating perfection and catch objective insight/glimpses of what it is like in Heaven (Perfection)

“There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.”

Endeavor to Avoid Preference for the Sake of Preference”

This notion illustrates the unhealthful silliness of having preferences for their own sake – value of preferences should be gauged by whether or not they are (truly) healthful and make the world a better place versus tearing it down

If there is a Heaven, a key to the universe, even a sixth sense, they are rooted in…True Honesty, promoting of True Happiness and True Freedom…most importantly, nothing to hide behind.”

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before.

It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation. It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – sweet and innocent sparkling spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind.”

True Effort (and the spirit/demeanor thereof)”

Treating life as a living loving art form”

Through True Effort the Way becomes clear”

The significance of ‘doing it until in works…working at it…working at it, until nothing short of success is enjoyed” (accordingly, “one never fails unless one quits trying”)

Therein outgrowing one’s desire for blaming, complaining, and excuses”

Embracing change”

Inclusive of healthful change and often fear of change outside of one’s control (accordingly, change is constant – we make the world a much better place by not running from it)

Supporting others in their healthful effort/healthful change”

Selflessly doing so

Embracing one’s comfort and discomfort equally”

Learning to better and better avoid the need for immediate gratification”

Learning to embrace one’s blind dislike of, and with facts and practices which are, if followed, truly rooted in substantive healthfulness

Learning to better and better avoid plateaus of unhealthful and/or unrealistic contentment, (seemingly) relief from facing change”

The Way…

The way that can be told is not the eternal way…the way that can be told is the mother of all (material and tangible) things (which can separate us)”

The Way manifests in the madman screaming…’If the stars are not words, then stop calling them stars’”

There is a love inclusive of, but much more than friendship, family, or romantic love”

True Forgiveness”

It is likely that most often we all have made the same mistakes that we see others make”

Within each of us, the wars and famines of our spirits are reflected back and forth between us and the greater world” – again yin to yang and yang to yin, to almost infinity

The Three Portents (harbinger of all bad tidings)




Embrace the Five Virtues

Healthful Respect

Healthful Loyalty

Healthful Humility

True Honor

True Integrity

– – Dr. Glen Hepker (quotations are from A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health (2011)


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Dancing With Light and Lightness…

Spiritual Bath Guided Imagery

When practicing any of the various forms of guided imagery chi kung in this specific tradition (Ming Chia/The Bright Beautiful School of Thought) we generally begin by utilizing our most fundamental guided imagery, e.g., (titled in the form of a question) How Much Gratitude Does One Need to be Healthy? This is a traditional type of guided imagery on its own, though it is also done as a preparatory exercise in order to assist one in gathering a proper spirit with which to perform more complicated types of guided imagery that we practice and teach – in this case as set forth further below, e.g., Spiritual Bath Guided Imagery. This initial preparatory guided imagery is meant to ‘slow us down’ and down and down, prompting us to gather better and better objective insight, to be a less and less blemished witness, and hence becoming a better and better conduit/diplomat between Heaven (or, if one prefers, the ‘heavens’) and Earth.

Herein, this guided imagery will be set forth for a standing position, but it can also be done in a sitting position – sitting on a chair/stool or in a lotus sitting posture.

Stand with one’s feet almost together (called a ‘humble stance’), and bend one’s knees comfortably. Put one’s tongue against the roof of one’s mouth (connecting the Governing and Central Vessels – congruent with acupuncture theory). Relax one’s face, shoulders, hands, and feet – it’s said, “if they’re relaxed, you’re relaxed.”

Realize that relaxation is a true skill – there is always room for improvement. Realize, we ALWAYS have some stress, no matter how relaxed we are. Be so relaxed that one is barely standing – in what we coin as a Swaying Willow demeanor. Gently roll the spine above the waist, forward and backward. This demeanor is much like a willow tree swaying in a gentle wind. Breathe in, all the way forward and backward, and breathe out in between.

Constantly adjust one’s vision so that one is looking just slightly above straight ahead, without focusing or staring: herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s external environment – ideally without expectations…as if all is new to you, you know nothing (it isn’t genuinely possible to do this, but it is important to try). After a bit of time (as one chooses – but try not to hurry), continue with one’s eyes closed. Keep one’s eyes in their sockets as if one’s eyes are open and looking just slightly above straight ahead (don’t let one’s eyes droop or drop): herein, one is endeavoring to play the part of a less and less blemished witness to one’s internal environment, without fear or discomfort.

Get the ‘engine’ of the (advance versus reverse) diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing going: Breathe in, push one’s abdomen out, breathe out, pull one’s abdomen in. Pretend that one’s lungs are in one’s abdomen. One of the greatest gifts one can allow oneself, is all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing – there is nothing more healthful. In practicing this breathing for five minutes twice daily, within 30 to 60 days most people will realize all-of-the-time diaphragmatic breathing. It greatly enhances circulation, and promotes the secretion of relaxing, pain killing hormones (empirically substantiated).

Be in a spirit of gratitude and true appreciation. Be all in the moment. A true appreciation of the miracle of the moment. Ask oneself, “How much gratitude does one need to be healthy?”

Try not to think, just witness one’s breathing, relaxation, and subtle movement – all of the above, or just one at a time. In this tradition, the MOST basic of all of our types of guided imagery is simply focusing solely on one’s breathing. Again, endeavor to play the part of a less and less blemished witness. If a thought comes to one’s mind, embrace it, see it for what it is, try not to hang on to it, just let it go – put all of one’s attention in just what one is doing.

Mindfulness meditation is putting ALL of one’s attention into just one, two, or three aspects of what one is doing at any given time. It is next to impossible to be upset, anxious, worried, depressed, sad, or frustrated, if one is not thinking such thoughts. This is a primary purpose of mindfulness meditation – it is the sword (H’ou T’ou) that cuts out internal dialogue and/or cyclical thinking – ideally all thought…BEING ‘light’. Thoughts are often ‘heavy’, most especially, cyclical thought.

Spiritual Bath Guided Imagery (aka Compassion/Love/Healing Visualization or Beautiful Breathing or Micro/Macro Universal Visualization):

This guided imagery cleansing technique is all about concentrating all of one’s energy, effort and/or focus on what is herein coined herein as True Love or Real Love: This ‘true love’ is traditionally viewed as love which can be inclusive of, but MUCH MORE than, what we typically see and define as the three types of love in Western doctrine, e.g. family love, friendship love, and romantic love.

This practice necessitates playing the part of a less and less blemished witness (it is commonly accepted in these traditions that nothing is perfect here on Earth – so we can only work toward this witnessing with ongoing/endless true effort). It is working to better and better empty one’s mind of thought – again, less and less blemished witnessing: less and less a spirit of fear, hate, preconception, expectation, prejudice, likes/dislikes, preferences, or opinion. The above (How Much Gratitude Does One Need to be Healthy?) preparatory exercise is meant to assist one in gathering insight into these protocols and spirit in a quite specific and fundamental fashion (please realize that these practices have been refined over many hundreds of years).

It is significant that, before one begins, one endeavors to have a healthy faith in (the goal of realizing), what is coined herein as ‘true love’. This concept and corresponding guided imagery are obviously very difficult – such effort must be made throughout one’s lifetime. Once again, this awareness is congruent with witnessing that there is ALWAYS room for improvement/greater skill – a splendid recognition which is among the most splendid of blessings, unto itself. It is said that this guided imagery (if realized as it is meant to be) can be an utmost pinnacle of true health. It is in the SO healthful spirit of ‘being’ this love, this utter benevolence – so much about true forgiveness, congruent with honest gratitude/appreciation. It is in the spirit of doing the right thing for the right sake without the need of selfish recognition or hidden agendas. It is in a spirit of knowing that we are all in the same common boat. It is being the spirit of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace, no matter what – a spirit of kindness and goodwill. It is a means of true meditation, e.g., to honestly work toward manifesting this so-healthful spirit – witnessing (NOT deciding) the utter truth.

Among the most important goals of this guided imagery is to realize that one can only come closer and closer to reaching this so-healthful spirit, not by thinking, not through consideration, but only, once again, witnessing it, being it…through less and less blemished true meditation: In this so-healthful spirit, we can witness the truth that, “If there is a Heaven, a key to the universe, even a sixth sense, they are rooted in true honesty, promoting of true happiness, and true freedom, but most importantly, nothing to hide behind.” It can be a ‘glimpse’ of a so-to-speak existence where there is no time, no space, no distance…most importantly once again, nothing to hide behind…all is known.

So just sit or stand and ‘be’ this spirit. These are the ‘hints’ as such, in working at the Spiritual Bath Guided Imagery. As stated, be empty, be your own guide, ALBEIT without expectations, no hidden agendas. AND listening to me/reading this, to be sure, is not the truest of meditation – I’m just sharing, so that you can learn to understand and memorize the ages-old protocols and learn to do it all well on your own. This may all seem obvious, albeit as per tradition, we feel we SHOULD risk being redundant in order to try and make certain that this is understood. (Again as per tradition, the protocols shared herein (and similar protocols) are commonly practiced during competent levels of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, and yoga, but can certainly be practiced as an art form unto themselves.)

The practice of Spiritual Bath Guided Imagery is a state-of-being in which we enjoy a spirit/demeanor, e.g., a sparkling awareness that we are all in the same common boat, BEING this spirit more and more and more…rocking the boat less and less and less. It is bathing oneself in – being this true love – being cleaner and cleaner and cleaner…clearer and clearer and clearer…lighter and lighter and lighter…better and better and better being lightness and OF light. Oh boy!

When I dance, I can really love.” (NOT talking romance!). Dance with your spirit…light and free and loving and sparkling…BE your spirit…SO much about gratitude and appreciation. It is a sweet and innocent sparkling spine-tingling/shivering true love beyond…

The Lotus Flower Blossoms (as set forth in Chapter XV – “True Freedom” of my book, A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health):

There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before. It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation.

It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind. – Dr. Glen Hepker


Nothing to Hide Behind…

The following Bright Beautiful School of Thought saying shares a very healthful perspective:

“If there is a Heaven, a ‘key to the universe’, even a sixth sense, they are rooted in True Honesty, promoting of True Happiness and True Freedom, but most importantly nothing to hide behind. It is a glimpse of a so-to-speak existence where there is no time, no space, no distance…all is known, and once again, nothing to hide behind.”

What can we do with this bit of knowledge? Is it the right thing for the right selfless sake? How honest do we want to be with ourselves? This can be tough stuff. From this perspective, does much of what we so often think is SO important in our daily lives really look so important? Maybe there are LOTS of things that are so much MORE important. We can healthfully learn to witness this truth – the silly things that we often act like, think are so important, may not ‘hold a candle’ to the genuinely substantive things that are truly of immeasurable importance. This is a bright beautiful thing, e.g., to witness the truth as such: Being genuinely in a splendidly healthful spirit of True Appreciation – gratitude for each breath, each moment and all of the innumerable blessings and miracles that we SO often blindly take for granted. These notions are quite congruent with honestly/mindfully seeking to avoid hiding from the truth.

What are the things that each of us as individuals tend to hide behind? Again, how honest are we willing to be? How happy do we want to be – how much can we handle? Do we want to acknowledge that we ARE hiding – do we want to face the things we hide behind? This outlook is quite consistent with the true and healthful view that we human beings are NOT so much separate/separated as we commonly think.

Now with the COVID-19 crisis, we are facing a dilemma that can at times force us to look within ourselves in fashions which are quite new to us. How good or uncomfortable does it make each of us feel, to look deeply within – to work toward deep objective insight (again, True Honesty): This being maybe more obvious when we face what most certainly is an existential crisis.

In this turning point, we have the choice of making the world a better place, or to tear it down. Often people/societies have come together and set forth their finest effort when facing such huge disconcerting problems. It is the right thing for the right selfless sake – doing more and more and more good, with less and less and less need for selfish recognition: Wouldn’t the world be a much better place the more and more we work to do the right thing for the right sake, e.g., selflessly? Is it a significant aspect of taking True Responsibility for our own health and well being? Isn’t this in the splendid and honest spirit of living IN appreciation/gratitude? There likely isn’t anything more important. – Dr. Glen Hepker

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