How important is it to learn to need less and less to hide behind?

If there is a Heaven, a ‘key to the universe,’ a sixth sense, are they rooted in True Honesty? What I am speaking of is a deeply empathetic, truly well-meaning, loving, altruistic, highly evolved health and wellness philosophy, i.e.., the Bright Beautiful School of Thought (Ming Chia). Most especially, this health and wellness philosophy is distinguished by its remarkable, thought-provoking, and ingenious notion of coalescing ethics and morality and deeply-rooted insight/objectivity skills with conceptions of health and wellness, i.e., True Health and/or ‘true health through true responsibility.’

Of significant importance in this philosophy, is the notion of ‘true honesty’ – gathering a level of objective insight that introduces one to the notion of NOT NEEDING ANYTHING TO HIDE BEHIND. Such healthful clarity/unblemished ‘witnessing’ is a significant aspect of what is coined as ‘glimpses of heaven’…loving bio-electric spine-tingling/shivering (chi/ki/pranha) feelings/realizations (and nurturing the genuine/quintessential skill of doing so AT WILL – AND as a way of life).

The following Lotus Flower Blossoms saying speaks the point in a benevolent, empathetic, and altruistic spirit…

“There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before.

It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation. It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind.” (Copyright 2011) — Dr. Glen Hepker

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Do you want to get a ‘buzz’ on? ALL of the time? With no assistance? Naturally…no cheating?

What if it has to do with those benevolent sparkling spine-tingling/shivering feelings (those feelings that we usually only and spontaneously enjoy in special loving/sentimental moments)? A so-beautiful way of being – oh(!) SO light and fluid and relaxed…ALL of the time?

Does it have to do with a true love, inclusive, yet oh SO much more than just familial, friendship, and romantic love? Is it all so much about not needing recognition or having hidden agendas? As a WAY OF LIFE, can this be consistent with ongoing quintessential/beyond splendid ‘glimpses of Heaven’…harmony between Heaven and Earth? If there is such a thing as true health, can this be a significant part of it?

Is it SO light (lightness of being AND absorbing of light)…without the debilitating weight of craving, desire, and fear of healthful change?

What if the following was truly a loving, resplendent hint?

“There is a place where, wherever you are there, WHATEVER you are doing, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right NOW. It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses, spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind. It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and genuine love and true appreciation.”

What if, what if, what if?!! It takes a bit of faith – “for faith we might have, unto the jester of light, in the comedy of reflections…as we stand upon this stage, in awe of, endless, encompassing all.” (Copyright 2011) — Dr. Glen Hepker 

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How much goodness and grace does it take?

“It is likely that life will always hold varying levels of frustrations and annoyances – but we can learn to honestly witness ourselves. In the story of our life, from one moment to the next, we can elect to be a good actor or bad actor. We do have the wherewithal to choose to be more than just pawns to our internal and external encumbrances. We can choose how frustrated and annoyed we become and by what fashion we display such feelings: Life can be without destructive and debilitating anger…in utilizing truly substantive healthful loving compassion and empathy. It can be done, through a meaningful acceptance – a realistic healthful empathy and optimism complemented by a lack of co-dependency. When someone wrongs us, we can be a good, healthful model and learn how to truly mean it: as is commonly said, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” We can lovingly act to never give in…and we need not ever ‘bend-over.’

It is easier to accomplish all of this when we can embrace the notion that each of us has historically ‘rocked the boat’ – and will likely do so again. It is easier to forgive ourselves for past infractions, when, in the here-and-now, we can display honest and well-meaning empathy and forgiveness for similar behavior in others. In the traditions herein, this healthful mien is viewed as being in direct congruence with the true responsibility of supporting others – and one aspect of an honest and loving true freedom.

While it is evident that ‘nothing is perfect’ herein this life, we can healthfully choose to learn to interpret things in a more and more unblemished and selfless light – a light which can become brighter and brighter and brighter. Once again, the greatest gift of all is that there is always room for improvement – deeper insight. Taking advantage of this ‘gift’ is exercising true freedom on a next-to-perfect level. And, in addition to that being said, it would be easy to say that such is as good as it gets on this Earth – but it would be dishonest and misleading. It does get better still, and better. And at such a point, it is traditional in these arts to reflect a bit of profundity which truly and honestly is meant in a spirit of heartfelt respect and appreciation:

“The Way that can be told is not the eternal way…the Way that can be told is the
Mother of all (material and tangible) things (which can separate us).”

The following handed-down analogy sets forth the detail in a seemingly strange and possibly distressful fashion:

The Way manifests in the madman screaming, “If the stars are not words, then stop calling them stars.”

Some things can only be (truly) understood by witnessing – whether it be of this Earth and the living story thereof, or in a glimpse of heaven.

Both levels of…(?) existence have commonalities, and there are many means by which to make this world a better place. Albeit, all meaningful ways as such are inclusive of these things: True Freedom, aka the accumulation of light and lightness, and its almost-unblemished and/or genuinely unblemished true love and true responsibility of universal compassion and healthfully-balanced empathy. As said, there are many means by which to make the world a better place – but all meaningful ways, to be exact, are inclusive of this level of grace and the freedom to artfully appreciate what we have.

This living awareness is among the pinnacles of true health, as described in the following saying (which is symbolic of life and all of its potential in connecting-the-healthful-dots):

The Lotus Flower Blossoms

‘There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be.

It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before. It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation.

It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind.’

In this writing, the discussion of true health and making the world a better place has primarily been spoken of on a personal or individual basis. The following point brings us full circle to the central thesis of the Bright Beautiful School of Thought: the principle that the world would be a much better and different place if more and more people took true responsibility for their own health and wellbeing – in short, ‘true health through true responsibility.’ If more and more of us are raised and/or raised-up to believe that our most important responsibility is to make the world a better place…a greater and greater majority, what would this mean? The short answer is that it can’t be bad. The whole thing may sound naïve – but if you try to really look at it, it is difficult to fairly and scrupulously find fault with the notion.” (Copyright 2011) — Dr. Glen Hepker 

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The ‘walls of lies’ come tumbling down…

In the ages-old health and wellness arts that I teach, coach, and endeavor to follow (the Bright Beautiful School of Thought/Ming Chia), among its most central features is the notion of Acting Without Acting. Philosophical insight into, and practical application of Acting Without Acting is splendidly congruent with physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.

Speaking quite humbly and respectfully, its basic thesis sets forth the importance of endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake…without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas. Accordingly, the more and more selfless and loving we are in our thoughts and actions, the more and more we can benevolently and mindfully embrace a so-healthful spirit of true appreciation of the miracle of the moment…inclusive of gratitude for all of the splendid blessings in our lives. This genuinely healthful outlook allows us the ever-evolving wherewithal to take more and more responsibility for our own health and well-being, and learn to better and better avoid giving into tendencies of craving, desire, and fear of healthful change. It becomes a simpler matter to avoid paralyzing self-deceit and self-betrayal. More and more of the ‘walls of lies’ come tumbling down…with less and less to hide behind.

This resplendently healthful mindset can become more and more a way of life, a way of being in which we can quintessentially learn to so-quite-honestly play the part of the less and less blemished witness – thus taking part in the loving living story of our lives, vs. just being a pawn in the story of our lives. When viewing oneself and one’s world through the clear and unblemished lens of Acting Without Acting, one can enjoy a true gauge of the healthfulness of our thoughts and actions. — Dr. Glen Hepker

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How much harmony can we have between Heaven and Earth?

“Hi Glen. In your writing, you often (lovingly and respectfully) speak of “glimpses of Heaven.” Generally in my life, I haven’t wondered much about it. Thus, I’ve just lived with confidence that all will work out as it should and must be. I’ve been asked about what my opinion of what I think heaven is like – and until now, I didn’t have a response (and of course it is difficult to put into words – as you shared, “The Way that can be told is not the Eternal Way, the Way that can be told is the Mother of all things”).

Your writing has assisted me in gathering what I believe to be a more healthful outlook on this. As you say, “we can learn to be better and better conduits between Heaven and Earth…prompting greater and greater levels of harmony thereof.” Thanks so much for this, I DEEPLY appreciate it.” — Jill (An inquiry from a reader of my book and blog.)

Response: So splendid Jill – it is so quite clear that your heart is in the right place, and that you are making the world a better place on deeply substantive levels. Thanks so very much for sharing.

Quite humbly speaking, a primary point in this thesis, is that such ‘glimpses of Heaven’ are all around us, all of the time. There are ‘magical’ things all around us, and inside of us, once again ALL of the time. Often we are untrained to mindfully play the part of the unblemished Witness – a way of being which resonates with sparkling spine-tingling/shivering depths of true appreciation and gratitude. Such loving witnessing can allow us realization of true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom, but most importantly needing less and less to hide behind. It is a glimpse of a so-to-speak existence where there is no time, no space, no distance – once again, nothing to hide behind…all is known.

The Lotus Flower Blossoms:

“There is a place where, wherever you are there, whatever you are doing…no matter what, in any given moment, there should be nowhere you would rather be. It is where you are right now – and you have the ability to so deeply and artfully appreciate your life and its living…to connect one healthful insight to the next, and make them all one…learning to witness this already-existing truth.

In the wilderness of our existence…a place of budding flowers about, about to unwrap in a showing of perfect appreciation for all to thrive upon, we are the flowers which can blossom again and again in each season of our deeper and deeper insights…all connected…each better and more healthful than before.

It is not unlike Heaven…and it can become Heaven, with enough insight and appreciation. It takes quite a few sparks, glimpses – spine-tingling moments…as a way-of-life which becomes more and more purposeful…more and more without time or space or distance. More and more there is less and less to hide behind.” — Dr. Glen Hepker (Copyright 2011)Image
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Do you want to feel better…and better…and better – accepting of no end in sight?

How good do you want to feel about life and its living? How good of a place do you want to make your world, THE world? This speaks to inside and out, emotionally, physically, even spiritually, and in the broader world…one reflecting upon the other, back and forth in its intrinsic formulaic dynamic.

Please know these notions (within the Bright Beautiful School of Thought/Ming Chia) are in no way set forth in an unhealthful spirit of haughtiness…accordingly congruent with the Same Boat Theory, we are ALL in the same common boat in this and in so many other means (much more than we often think and act). Consistently, we ALL have our light and dark sides, and it is up to each one us as to decide how light or dark, how bright we want to be. It is up to each of us to decide how healthful or unhealthful we want to be. It is all about how much each of us wants to take responsibility for our own health and well-being. In regard to an additional traditional definition of ‘lightness,’ it is up to each of us to decide how ‘light’ of the pernicious weight of unhealthful ‘baggage’ we want to be. In the analogy of the ‘same boat’ as utilized herein, we can choose to selfishly ‘rock the boat’ in unhealthful fashions, or we can learn to be more and more loving, appreciative, and selfless in our outlook and behavior.

In the Theory of Lightness, in a splendid facet of the jewel of its manifest beauty, we can accordingly allow ourselves to more deeply and deeply embrace the notion of the ‘accumulation of light and lightness.’ In its genuine practical application, we can realize a more and more beyond words sparkling, spine-tingling, loving, and altruistic brightness. In accordance with the Bright School Theory, each of us, if willing, has a wonderful ‘free will’ choice as to how light/bright/healthful we want to be. How light/bright/healthful do you want to be? How important is it to you to utilize the True Gauges of True Health to decipher as to how healthful your thoughts and actions (choices) are? Consistently, how often is it possible for us to look at our thoughts and actions and decide whether they make the world a better place? How often is it possible for us to look at our thoughts and actions and decide how well we are Acting Without Acting – endeavoring to do the right thing for the right sake without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas. How often are we acting in a benevolent and altruistic spirit of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace (and figuring out how to TRULY mean it!). How much does this sound like ‘pins-and-needles-ville?’ It DOESN’T have to be pins-and-needles-ville!

This so-splendid and genuinely loving and selfless spirit of True Appreciation can be more and more in each moment…recognizing that NO MATTER how difficult or easy things are, each aspect of each moment, each thing, each facet of being, can be more and more impeccable quintessential blessings. How far can this go…how far can it so beautifully go past what words can describe? The answer may be in how masterful one can be in learning to play the part of the less and less blemished Witness…with less and less expectations, preset patterns of thinking, and learning to better and better embrace healthful change. In this tradition, it is learning to live life as a loving living art, witnessing the living loving story of one’s life AS one goes about it, versus just being a pawn in the story of one’s life.

What say you? SO quite humbly and respectfully, and not in a spirit of sounding/being harsh, how important is it to you to avoid ongoing stagnant plateaus (which can be like a living death)? We ALL have the ability to get stuck there, and we all have the ability to get unstuck. It is up to each of us to decide what is important or unimportant, and how much we are willing to lovingly embrace our comfort and discomfort equally. It is strategically treating life as a living loving art…and deeply embracing a most wonderful of blessings in said art, i.e., that there is ALWAYS room for improvement. It is the so beautiful spirit of True Appreciation of the miracle of the moment – more and more each moment. It is in ONGOINGLY needing less and less to hide behind. It is True Health through True Responsibility. In gathering more and more skill in this, we may realize more and more sparkling spine-tingling ‘glimpses of Heaven.’ Each of us has the ability to make it so.

Once again, PLEASE know this outlook is meant in the most humble and respectful of spirits. PLEASE know that this outlook can be a complement to ALL well-meaning religious and non-religious outlooks. PLEASE know that this outlook is lovingly and altruistically set forth in a spirit devoid of any sense of competition and/or any crepuscular/inimical sense of being. — Dr. Glen Hepker

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