How important is forgiveness in one’s realization of greater and greater levels of true health?

In Chapter IX – ”True Effort” of my book, it addresses what is coined as True Forgiveness. Humbly and respectfully, the following is an excerpt thereof…

“Probably the most painful and arduous aspect of ‘true effort’ is the notion of ‘true forgiveness.’ It is inclusive of forgiveness of ourselves and forgiveness of others: In actuality the two often reflect upon one another and/or are one-in-the-same. In learning to witness this issue in a clear and unblemished fashion, we may realize a sense of true compassion – gathering significant insight into the notion that we are all in the same boat: Hence, the Same Boat Theory, e.g., the primary fault of mankind is the notion that you are there and I am here.

Our entire outlook on life can quite commonly have a direct connection with the issue of forgiveness. In being faithful to the spirit of truth, we all can obviously look at our experiences and see that each of us has uncountable things for which we can choose to forgive or choose not to forgive in ourselves and others: It is likely we have all made the same mistakes that we see others make. Within each of us, wars and famines of our spirits are reflected back and forth between us and the greater world. For instance, when wronged by others, we have a choice as to how to respond: We can choose to make matters worse by acting in spite, or we can choose a healthful mien through which we can forgive – displaying true (unadulterated) compassion in a spirit of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace – all-the-while making it clear to the wrongdoer that the behavior is wrong and unacceptable.

It is likely that for a majority of us, we have more often than not been unforgiving – in fact we have displayed varying levels of hostility and/or have acted to reflect the wrongdoer’s action back toward them. In the traditions herein, it is said: True self-defense is self-defense against ourselves and our own bad habits. This concept is similar to a common saying, e.g., “we are our own worst enemy.” In acting upon this knowledge, we can choose to exercise true effort toward healthful growth, or we can choose an unhealthful ongoing regression toward greater and greater misery which is filled with self-loathing and hatefulness. Having great role models will obviously be helpful toward making healthful decisions; it certainly ‘can’t hurt.’

I am not intentionally promoting religiosity in this writing – I am setting forth notions of a healthful philosophical way-of-life. Even so, I cannot think of a more profoundly powerful, impeccable, and immaculate example of a role model consistent with the notion true effort and true forgiveness: According to Christian teachings, as Christ was being put to death on the cross, he said, “Forgive them…for they know not what they do.” It seems quite clear that this level of true effort and forgiveness would truly be even more than just a glimpse…of Heaven.” — Dr. Glen Hepker
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What are those benevolent and sparkling spine-tingling/shivering feelings REALLY about?

Why would I address this? Please check it out and share your thoughts (and just to be certain, I am NOT in any way referring to anything sexual). And PLEASE know that the spirit of this commentary is in NO WAY elitist or to purposely/blindly speak of things ‘out in left field,’ or ANY such thing. I am setting this forth in a benevolent spirit of humility and respect (AND another ‘please,’ i.e., know that it is quite clear that the concepts herein are not in any way a broad part of our Western culture).

In the Far East, what I am speaking to is coined chi/qi (in China), ki (in Nippon/Japan), and pranha (in Indian Sanskrit). ‘Chi’ is pronounced ‘chee,’ ‘ki’ is pronounced ‘Kee,’ and ‘pranha’ is pronounced just the way it looks – with soft ‘a’ sounds, similar as in a round ‘ball.’ In the ages-old arts that I teach, coach, and endeavor to follow, acupuncture theory, tai chi chuan, and chi kung are inclusive of teachings in which we teach/direct means by which to QUITE substantially strengthen our chi/bio-electric energy for health/wellness & in promoting pertinent skills (inclusive, but not limited to being a very important aspect of True Health).

What does it actually feel like, at such TRULY substantive/skilled levels? In many ages-old similar traditions, it is quite clear that this knowledge has all but been lost. There are three facets: (1) One must be truly skilled in all-of-the-time abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing (the benefits are profound); (2) One must realize True Skill in (as is coined in my specific tradition) Playing the Part of the (unblemished or next-to-unblemished) Witness with regard to one’s internal/external environments; (3) one must learn the True Skill of realizing enhanced levels of bio-electric energy AT WILL, i.e., benevolent, altruistic sparkling spine-tingling/shivering feelings/sensations; and learning the skill of associated guided imagery in moving this ‘golden elixir’ (as a meditative health practice, i.e., for preventive and treatment purposes).

Not meant in the spirit of being difficult, but what I’m speaking of (what enhanced bio-electric feelings feel like) is NOT different for each individual – it is VERY much the same. We likely have all had those loving ‘spine-tingling moments’ occasionally during our lifetimes: Congruent with Eastern traditions, this ‘feeling’ is (whether by happenstance or with purpose) enhanced bio-electric energy (chi).

Congruent with acupuncture theory, this skillfully enhanced/fanned bio-electric energy is foremost associated with the ‘kidney chi’/’original chi,’ the bio-electric energy which we are born with (for health/wellness purposes – the goal is to mindfully center it in the body’s associated ‘furnace,’ i.e., residing in acupuncture point CV#8/’real tan tien’ area (behind the navel) – aligned with the ming men, and also strongly associated with the circulatory ‘lower tan tien’ – CV#6 – 2.5 inches below the navel).

The ‘feeling’ has intrinsic relationships to what is coined as the ‘Accumulation of Light’ (or ‘Lightness’), and also “A Glimpse of Heaven,” (i.e., according to these teachings, as strange as it MAY sound to many, it is what it feels like in Heaven – at least according to the specific tradition within which I was taught). The philosophical/theoretical facet of this school of thought in my tradition of TCM/chi kung/tai chi chuan is coined Ming Chia (a type of Tao Chan/Zen), i.e., the Bright Beautiful School of Thought (as set forth in my book). As said earlier, it can only be best/skillfully/at will realized in congruence with diaphragmatic breathing and unblemished Witnessing (without precognition or expectations).

A primary goal is to learn to gather a deep abiding sense of true appreciation of the miracle of the moment. As stated earlier, most people during their lifetimes have likely experienced those special loving and/or sentimental-seeming moments, in which they have those feelings/realizations (usually emanating from the abdominal/lumbar area). In the arts that I teach, this is an unintentional realization of enhanced bio-electric energy. As said, a goal in this form of guided imagery/meditation is to learn to fan the furnace, stronger and stronger, until one can realize those feelings AT WILL: This (traditionally viewed) can only be done by way of emptying the mind of all pernicious cyclical thinking/expectations…and/or focusing ONLY just EXACTLY on what one is doing). Accordingly, this is a significant aspect of what we so quite altruistically/respectfully coin as True Health: Once one accomplishes this, the possibilities are quite broad, i.e., inclusive of learning to move the ‘cursor’ (enhanced bio-electric energy) on meridians/pathways.

One of the ultimate goals in this art is to learn to do this in ANY setting in one’s daily life – not just with regard to sitting meditation. It is said that 90% is breathing correctly and/or breathing correctly in time WITH relaxed/mindful movement…but the other 10% is the added benefit of more and more skilled guided imagery added into the mix (inclusive of fanning the furnace and emptying one’s mind or focusing on JUST one thing/what one is doing). Resonant/healing single syllabic or multi-syllabic sounds can also be added into it.

Most importantly and traditionally viewed, this type of meditation is defined, in practical application, as necessitating/enjoying quite healthful true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, not needing anything to hide behind. Thus consistent with those loving sparkling spine-tingling/shivering sensations, this may be what a Glimpse of Heaven actually is…feels like…what Heaven would feel like. A place, so-to-speak, where all is known…and once again, NOTHING TO HIDE BEHIND. — Dr. Glen Hepker
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What can I do to make this day forever splendidly and lovingly unforgettable? Is it my responsibility?

How about each day, even each and every moment…NO MATTER the quality of the day, the moment – choosing to find a means by which to make even the most difficult of days/moments into splendid blessings that we will never forget? Do we have such wherewithal?

What would the world be like if more and more of us learned to succinctly see this as a true responsibility? Would it require that we learn to better and better embrace healthful change and avoid getting lost in a mien of blind craving and desire? Would it require that we learn to better and better embrace the notion that we are all so much more in the same common ‘boat’ than we often think and act? Would it require that we endeavor to do the right thing for the right selfless sake…more and more and more? Would it require that we endeavor to be resplendently benevolent, compassionate, and empathetic (albeit NOT co-dependent) in our interaction with others…displaying dignity, decency, goodness, and grace…and figuring out how to truly mean it, NO MATTER WHAT? Would it require that we be supportive of others in their healthful goals?

Certainly this is ‘tough stuff,’ to say the least…but quite likely there may be very little that could be more rewarding, inclusive of realization of true health. Such appreciation of life and its living is absolutely requisite of quintessential levels of love and deeply genuine gratitude – sparkling spine-tingling/shivering impeccable true appreciation of the miracle of the moment. So humbly and respectfully, it is requisite of true effort – realization/enjoyment of levels of true mastery whose ‘secret’ may be in enjoying deep appreciation of one of the most significant blessings of all on this Earth, e.g., that there is ALWAYS room for improvement, greater and greater levels of objective insight and mastery. Is this a ‘key’ to true health? Each of us can only answer this for ourselves.

Congruent with this outlook is the notion that enjoying free will is among the most wonderful of blessings. Albeit, LOTS of responsibility comes with it, most particularly IF we CHOOSE to RESPECTFULLY answer to it. Ideally, it must be harmoniously consistent with the wonderful spirit thereof, e.g., creating a truly healthful and appreciative WAY OF LIFE.

Getting ongoingly lost on crepuscular/stagnant plateaus can be like a living death: Embracing healthful change CAN make it possible to more and more realize the ability to play the part of the less and less blemished Witness…taking part in the living loving story of our lives, vs. just being a pawn in the story of our lives. It is so much about true appreciation and true honesty, promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind. — Dr. Glen Hepker
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Being a student of life, i.e., as a living loving art form…what is your outlook?

So quite humbly speaking, students of life, i.e., as a living loving art form (*who realize their genuine responsibility in making the world a better place), might gather objective selfless insight into the Noble Paths of ‘healthful thinking’ and ‘healthful action,’ displaying themselves with dignity, decency, goodness, grace, and honor/integrity…doing right for the sake of doing right…leading by example. They might take true personal responsibility for their own health and well-being, while learning to better and better take ownership of the notion that blindly living with craving, desire, and fear of healthful change is not a medium by which to undergo the Healthful Noble Path(s).

Consistent with this healthful spirit, it is quite significant to be benevolently aware that the common concept that we are all separate beings is a faulty notion which is humankind’s greatest encumbrance/handicap. It is so very much about true forgiveness, and true honesty which is promoting of true happiness and true freedom…but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind. It is SO very much about learning to realize the genuine skill of embracing living loving sparkling spine-tingling/shivering moments/feelings/’glimpses of heaven’ – AT WILL.
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