How important is mindfulness…objective insight?

An excerpt from my book, i.e., Chapter XII – “True Happiness: A Glimpse of Heaven”…

“Even though we are quite often moving quickly through our daily lives, we do have the wherewithal (if we choose to exercise it) to slow our sense of awareness down. We can actually get more done when our minds are more relaxed and we are less scattered in our thinking – thus able to better focus on, and truly embrace what we are actually doing – all-the-while elevating the likelihood that we can realize a deep and loving sense of true appreciation of the miracle of the moment (more and more and more…as we nurture this skill). This old handed-down saying presents a relevant point in a subtle, yet telling fashion, if one takes the time to explore its deeper meaning:

‘Go fast, one can only go fast – go slow, one can always go fast.’

The notions herein could easily be seen as haughty high-minded ‘stuff.’ Please know that this is not the goal. Life is difficult, and at times, it can seem to be a painless thing to simply allow oneself to ‘get stuck,’ versus trying ‘really hard’ to improve oneself. In these arts, The Five Virtues are viewed as a simple vehicle toward deep insight and philosophical and practical clarity and happiness when we most need it. Even so, nothing may be more difficult to answer to – particularly when seen as a vehicle toward our ‘true responsibility’ of making the world a better place:

1. Healthful Respect

2. Healthful Loyalty

3. Healthful Humility

4. True Honor

5. True Integrity

Getting stuck on the ‘plateau of not trying’ is a living death. In purely colloquial terms, ‘nothing is worth anything unless we are willing to keep trying.’

What would life be truly like if one could honestly say…

If in Heaven I have what I have now, I would be happy…in the spirit of perfect appreciation, remember the true and real import of warm-heartedness, compassion, and dignity…?” — Dr. Glen Hepker (Copyright 2011)


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